4 week mobility challenge

Take part in this challenge & get a sample workout each week that focuses on joint specific exercises for improving your strength and flexibility.

Watch the video below to find out more.

start your challenge today!

    Remember to check your inbox for our email to confirm this subscription and recieve the challenge. Unsubscribe at any time.

    what do I GET?

    • Joint specific workouts
    • Week 1: Hips
    • Week 2: Spine
    • Week 3: Shoulders
    • Week 4: Feet & Ankles
    • A PDF mini E-book on each joint function (what it should be able to do & what muscles are involved)
    • How to test/get help with joint ROM tests

    The programs are designed to be sample sessions only and are not tailored to you as an individual, so if you're looking for a plan to help with specific mobility restrictions then our online coaching may be more suited to you.

    calum & hali

    Athletes, Coaches, Influencers/educators.